Health & Wellness

From Left to Right
Renio-K Herbal Tea

          Contains Banaba Leaves which, according to studies, reduce blood sugar. It is also high in corosolic acid which is used in many treatments for diabetes. It also contains Syzigium cumini bark and seeds which increase the utilization of sugar either by direct stimulation of sugar or uptake via the meditation of enhanced insulin secretion.


          Gastripac is an aluminum-free, natural gastric pacifier that effectively helps control acid production in the stomach, making it ideal for people who cannot eat on time. Enriched with vitamins and minerals, it is specially healthful to women who have just given birth, as it helps relieve pain and tiredness associated with child delivery. It is safe for everyone - men, women and even children with hyperacidity.

Akoz Mangostan Ace

           Is made from natural Mangosteen pericarp extracts that contain Xanthones, an organic compund that is known for its strong antioxidant potential that backs up the immune system and helps rejuvenate the skin.

Akoz Maximem

           Is made from natural Gotu kola plant extracts that contain triterpenoid which is known to help increase the blood circulation in the brain and enhance memory capacity.

Akoz Pressure
          Is made from natural Celery plant extracts that contain Apeigenin, which is known to help lower and stabilize high blood pressure.

Akoz Livershield

          Is made from real Curcuma Rhizome extracts that contain curcumin which helps the reduction of cholesterol foe over-all protection of the liver.

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